
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Some Idol thoughts

I came home late and have to get up early, and I'd rather sleep than blog. So once again an very brief comment on tonight's show.

I did enjoy Kara's heckler tonight (the one who yelled "broken record")--apparently the rest of the country is just as tired of her as I am.

The judges have always talked about song choice, but this whole thing of suggesting songs people should have sung is getting ridiculous. When you hear Danny this week talk about how last week's song was his fifth choice, and Scott say he loses "hat picks" for songs, how can you just say, "Oh, Megan, you should have sung that Adele song." Maybe it didn't get cleared, maybe someone else wanted to sing it, whatever.... This show is so frustrating sometimes.

If Kara says something about wanting to hear what your first single is going to be on your album one more time, I might punch a hole in my wall.

Randy said Scott was one of the best of the night four or five times, even though he was just the fifth person to perform. Is that really that much of a compliment?

Scott's performance was probably his best of the competition. But "Just the Way You Are" is a pretty piano-heavy song to begin with. To say, like Paula or Kara or somebody said, that he "stripped it down" is really giving him way too much credit.

Poor Matt Giraud. They keep saying that they want the singers to show what kind of artist they want to be. Matt wants to be a modern rock artist. But the judges keep telling him he's wrong and he should be an R&B artist. Judges, if this show is really about "showing who you are as an artist" -- even though it used to be about singing and performing -- then let him show who he is an an artist?

Matt, if you wanted to do a Fray song, you should have done "How to Save A Life." Better song. And don't ever do that cheesy "I'll stand up at the keyboard and have all these people standing around me." That was just wrong and much worse than your performance.

By the way, never a good idea for people on Idol to do current songs--meaning songs that are still being played regularly on the radio or have been released in the last six months or so. They haven't stood the test of time and are too fresh--it's hard to do anything with them.

Megan has reached that point for me--the female contestant who I like having on the show because she's really attractive but whose singing is poor enough that I feel really guilty about rooting for her to stay. But I didn't vote, so don't worry.

Lil, whatever problem you're having on American Idol, the answer should never be to sing a second-tier Celine Dion song. That was not that good.

I didn't really like the shrieking, but at least Adam Lambert is interesting. Funny, after last year when everyone rearranged every song to fit their personal style (and it got really boring after a while), this year hardly anyone does anything different.

The only other guy to switch things up a little is Kris, and he was good again tonight. If you had said three weeks ago that he would finish in the top three in Idol, I would have said you were crazy, but I think he's got to be one of the favorites right now.

Bottom three: Anoop (not as bad as the judges thought, but he went early in the show and wasn't particularly memorable), Megan (just not good) and Matt Giraud, because he was there last week and I don't know who else to put there. Maybe Lil, but I think she's not in danger yet.

And Megan will be eliminated.

Fingerhut out.

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